There is additional support available via the government and most Employers, please take a minute to read what additional support you may be entitled to.
We are pleased to inform you that we offer the 1140 funded hours to all eligible 2-year-olds and 3- and 4-year-olds. Please note that the 1140 hours are based on a school year of 38 weeks. Little Dreams Nursery will be calculating the 1140 hours over a 46-week period, which works out as 24.78 hours per week. Please note that this will be calculated over 12 months (September-August inclusive) for all children attending more than the funded sessions.
Funded Sessions
These will be allocated as 2 full days (7.45 am - 5.45 am) and a half-day session, either 8 am - 1 pm or 1 pm-6 pm, at no cost to parents and will cover the 46-week funded period only. Please note that 5 x morning or afternoon sessions will not be allocated for a funded placement. This applies to Ante Pre-School / Pre-School Funding and Eligible 2's funding. The funded placement will be from mid-August until mid-July, which covers 46 weeks.
If your child attends more than the funding entitlement, then you will be issued with a monthly invoice detailing the funding deductions.
Funding will be awarded the term following your child’s 3rd birthday (2nd birthday for eligible 2's). Little Dreams Nursery will issue parents with all the relevant paperwork for completing the funding application for 3 and 4-year-olds. This will be issued several weeks before the term your child’s funding will start.
Eligible 2's
Please see link below for eligible 2's criteria as this must first be submitted to Aberdeen City Council who will verify your eligibility status and then confirm by email to us if you have been successful, then management will issue you with the funding application to complete.
Changing Providers
If your child changes provider during a term, then the funding will follow your child to their new setting. You will need to re-apply from your new nursery and the Council will make arrangements for the appropriate proportion of the funding to be paid over from the old provider to the new provider.
Notice Period
Please note that we require 1 month's notice for terminating your child's space, so funding will not start at another provider until after your 1 month's notice period.
Where a child in respect of whom funding is being paid ceases to attend Little Dreams Nursery, we shall notify the Council as soon as is practicable (and, at any event, within 14 days) using a “Leaver’s Form”.
Under the new General Data Protection Regulations, we will share your data with the Early Learning and Childcare team for you to be able to apply for funding. If you do not want your data to be shared with the Early Learning and Childcare team, your child may not be allocated funding.
Please contact the Early Learning and Childcare Team to request details about the information they will collect on your child if you have any queries.
You may be able to apply for Universal Credit to help with your childcare costs. To find out if you are eligible contact:
Little Dreams Nursery also accepts childcare and Government vouchers which may be available from your employer towards the cost of your nursery fees.
The vouchers are a financial benefit, as they are exempt from tax and national insurance payments, therefore the tax and national insurance amount is calculated after the voucher amount has been deducted from your salary.
From April 2007 the maximum amount you can receive in vouchers is £55 per week or £243 per month.
If your employer is not already aware of the childcare vouchers scheme, you and your employer can find more information about childcare vouchers at
Little Dreams Nursery accepts all employers childcare vouchers