At Little Dreams Nursery, we are committed to the importance of daily outdoor play and the physical development of all children, regardless of their age and stage of development. We provide outdoor play in all weathers.
We recognise that children need regular access to outdoor play to keep fit and healthy, and to develop in a variety of ways, including independence, exploration and investigative skills, risk-taking and self-esteem, all of which support children to develop skills now and for the future.
Both "My World Outdoors" and "Out to Play" resources are filled with research findings, examples of good practice, further reading and lots of sources of information helping the staff at Little Dreams Nursery to use outdoor play to enhance the wellbeing and overall growth of children.
We love to get outside, our location also provides great opportunities to get out and about in the local community.
Please see links below for further information on the importance of outdoor play for children.
My World Outdoors - Play Scotland