Pre-Birth to Three: Positive Outcomes for Scotland’s Children and Families is a document introduced by the Scottish Office, in association with Learning and Teaching Scotland to provide guidance for all those whose work involves caring for babies and young children. The four key features of Pre-Birth to Three are closely linked:
Our nursery staff work very closely with the Pre-Birth to Three documents to provide the quality experiences children under 3 years need: from feeding, cuddles and nappy changing to sensory experiences, outdoor play and music.
Parents can keep up to date with their children's learning and development through their learning journals.
Should you require any further information, please feel welcome to contact the nursery or visit:
In our 2-4's / 3-5's Rooms your child will have the opportunity to experience a range of experiences which meet all eight areas of the curriculum. Your child will be introduced to early reading, writing, mathematics and science skills. These experiences are delivered in a fun, relaxed manner, allowing all children to learn naturally through play. Each child is encouraged to learn at their own pace within their own abilities.
Families can keep up to date with their children's learning and development through their learning journals.
The Curriculum for Excellence was introduced within a strong partnership between the Scottish Government, Learning and Teaching Scotland, Scottish Qualifications Authority and HM Inspectorate of Education to ensure pre-school children’s developmental needs are met. The emphasis is on learning through quality play experiences in a relaxed atmosphere. There are eight areas of the curriculum:
Focus playroom practice upon the child and around the four capacities of education:
Encourage more learning through experiences.
Create a single framework for the curriculum and assessment aged 3 to 18 years.
Should you require any further information, please feel welcome to contact the nursery or visit: