Registration: A registration fee of £100.00 for a full-time place or £50 for a part-time place is payable on acceptance of the Enrolment Form. The registration fee will only be refunded if we are unable to provide a place on the required commencement date.
Funded Children will not be required to pay a registration fee. No upfront payment for securing your child’s funded place will be needed.
Confirmation of Place: The child’s place will be confirmed in writing via email The confirmation will include details of the child’s commencement date along with a couple of complimentary settling-in sessions.
Nursery Fees: Fees are charged on a calendar monthly basis and are payable on the 2nd of the month in advance. The initial payment of fees will be determined by the child’s commencement date with us and will include all sessions booked from that date, up to, and including the remainder of that particular month.
Depending on the period of daily attendance, lunch, along with morning and afternoon snacks are included in the fees.
Nappies and formula milk are to be provided by the child’s parent/carer.
Payment must be made by Standing order / Direct Debit or childcare vouchers.
Returned payments from the bank may incur an administration charge equal to any charges the nursery may be charged by the bank
Please Note: On commencement of a child attending the nursery, the nursery fees shall be paid in full, monthly in advance.
The nursery will review/increase nursery fees every April, but we reserve the right to review the fees throughout the year if necessary. In the event of there being changes to the fees, one calendar month’s written notice shall be given.
A refund will not be given when a child is absent from the nursery due to sickness or holiday.
If fees remain outstanding for more than 5 days:
Types of Sessions & Conditions of Booking: The session types available are set sessions. Further details of these, accompanied by the Fees Schedule, can be obtained from the nursery or viewed online. Set sessions are permanently booked and if any changes to sessions are required, then we must receive one full calendar month’s notice in writing via email.
Extra Sessions/Hours: We are happy to offer extra sessions and hours if they are available:
Please try to give as much notice as possible if you require extra sessions so that we can organise staff and food for your child.
Extra sessions booked must be paid for in advance and if not taken they are not refundable or transferable unless agreed by the Nursery Director due to exceptional circumstances.
Cancellation/Termination of Contract: After the child’s initial admission to the nursery either party may terminate this contract by giving one calendar month’s notice in writing. This period is subject to the termination not being due to non-payment of fees as outlined above. During that said one-month period, the nursery undertakes to continue to admit the child and the parent/carer undertakes to pay for all fees due. In the event of the parent/carer failing to pay the month’s fees, the child’s place shall be immediately withdrawn and the nursery shall be entitled to serve a formal demand for payment of such monies.
In the event of the parent/carer giving notice of withdrawal of the child and immediately withdrawing the said child, there will be one calendar month’s fees due to the nursery in lieu of notice. Failure by the parent/carer to provide one calendar month’s notice or any notice at all shall render the parent/carer liable to the nursery for one month’s fees. One month’s notice must also be given if sessions are requested to be reduced.
Notice must be made in writing via email to the Nursery Manager.
Sibling Discount: Where there is more than one child from the same family attending the nursery on a full-time basis a discount of 5% will be applied to the second child.
Late Collection Policy: The nursery reserves the right to charge parent/carers when they do not collect their child at the agreed time, a charge at the rate of £7.50 for the first 15 minutes and then £15 for every 15 minutes thereafter.
Notification of Absence/Lateness: –The parent/carer is expected to notify the nursery if their child is going to be late or absent from the nursery.
Unforeseen Closure: – In the event of closure of the nursery due to extreme weather conditions, flooding, loss of utility supplies, heating failure, or other causes beyond the reasonable control of the nursery, the nursery will close and the parent/carer accepts that no refund of fees will be made due to continued operational costs.
Sickness/Emergency Treatment: – Children must not attend the nursery when they are unwell or suffering from a contagious illness or infection. In the event of a child becoming ill whilst at the nursery, the parent or nominated carer will be contacted to arrange to take their child home.
In the case of an infectious condition, the recommended exclusion time must elapse before the child can be readmitted to the nursery (the nursery can advise on this).
In the case of an emergency, nursery staff will call health professionals. A senior member of staff will accompany the child to the hospital until the child’s parent/carer arrives. The nursery will continue to make contact with their parent/carer if they have not been able to reach them immediately.
Complaints Procedure: Please view our "Complaint's Procedure" for full details.
Child Protection / Safeguarding Children Policy: Little Dreams Nursery works following “The Protection of Children (Scotland) Act 2003”.
We also refer to the following legislation:
• Health and Social Care Standards – My support, my life
• GIRFEC (Getting it right for every child)
• Early Years Framework
• The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
• The Children's Charter.
A copy of all documents above is available at the nursery for all staff and parents to view or, it can be viewed online
Care Inspectorate Registration: The nursery is registered with the Care Inspectorate and complies with all Care Inspectorate requirements.
Loss or Damage The nursery does not accept responsibility for any loss or damage of property on its premises.
Nursery Policies and Procedures: All nursery policies and procedures can be viewed online or, they are available at the nursery. It is parents' responsibility to read these and familiarise themselves with all the policies and procedures. If you require clarification on any policies/procedures, then please speak to the management team. The policies will be reviewed/updated every year or as / when legislation/guidance changes or updates.